
Showing posts from November, 2017

Let there be Light.

Charlie is the bomb! Here is the old light that we have had since we bought the house four years ago. You operated the light with a dimmer switch by the side door.  It was a fine light but did not really give off much light and in the evening when you were doing projects you felt like you were in a dark spy basement up to no good.   He removed the old chandelier style, and moved the actual power source in the ceiling over so the new light would be more centered.   Below you can see the new light. It is a LED low profile model, SO much brighter than the former light and less noticeable. I'm all about minimal design and this really fills the bill. I'm so pleased at how bright this light is and it has the same dimmer connected to it, so if you would like less light you can adjust it.  Ta Da !!!  Let the light shine in !🌞 Alicenoneland

Little Friend.

Check out this little guy. He was sitting on the pot then jumped to the plant.  I have never seen one so close this is a little baby one.  These frogs do get a little bigger, I Don't think they make any noise but not really sure. I love the look of him! such a nice green color.  When I was young I loved the color green, when I played board games I always wanted to be the green piece.  I always wanted a green motorcycle too, never happened and now I consider myself to old for a motorcycle ( but i do have my license).  Its funny I never wanted to wear green? I had a green room in one of my homes, I did like that.  I'll have to ponder on the color green, think back and see what else I had in green. Yes, the color green is lovely.  What is you favorite color from childhood, I think we have all had them.   Alicenoneland

Projects Abound

Lots of projects going on here but not many finished.  I did finish my crochet challenge for the month of November. I had to haul out my trusty sewing machine that was given to me as a Christmas gift by my daughter, (bless her soul) after my old one had pooped out on me.  When I got the machine out I realized that the needle was broken and I did not have any extra needles in the house so on the list that went.... a few days pass and Ta Da.. I come across a package of needles in a thrift store made just for my machine (Singer) that only cost $1.25 a $10.00 savings at least.  See what I get myself into when I attempt a project. Above is the finished November project, another pillow, except this one was made into a pillow cover. I had to add fabric to the outside edges because when I first set up the number of stitches I did not make it wide enough, Oh well, seemed to turn out OK anyway.  Above is how more projects get generated! At the same thrift store th

November 20, Carrying on.

Remember the stitch of the month crochet project? Well I finished it today. I will post the completed pillow cover in a couple of days. I just didn’t want you to think I had given up. Actually I’m more excited about picking out the new stitch Patt for December.  Ooh maybe something I can do in red and green?                           Short and sweet today. A slow start to the week.                                          Alicenoneland 

November 19, Evening walk and drive.

Last night we went for a walk on the beach. It was a lovely evening to be out, not hot but breezy cool.  You usually see interesting things. I saw a dead jellyfish washed up on shore, it looked small was probably young, they can get pretty large. I saw this little sand sculpture and had to snap a pic because it looked like a cross between a snowman and a seagull, LOL. Always the best part of the beach for me is the looking and seeing what oddities I may find, luckily I am past the bring them all home stage, and only keep the extremely odd things. I must admit evenings here are so pretty. I have never seen the color of the sky like it is in Florida, lovely shades of peach deep and rich. Can you tell we are in the Miata? Yup, pics taken over the top of the windshield. I get that creepy feeling, (TV show 6 feet under episode 2 or 3) that something will come along and hit my hand while it is above the car so I really don't like doing it, but I have to to get better p

November 18, great finds.

Finishing up on yesterdays theme of new foods. I don't know how I for got to include these marvels. I had seen these little spiky fruits on the Internet in other posts (rambutan), but had always thought that they were hard and spiky.  That's not the case though they actually have soft bristles and not hard spikes. The vendor at the flea market showed me how to open them and sold me a half basket. I did not want to buy a whole basket knowing that I would never be able to eat all of them before they became soft.  I've learned not to over buy unless the fruit or veggie is very under ripe, nothing worse than having to gobble produce just because it is heading south.  Alot of the things I buy are unusual things and I don't know how to judge ripeness, and as they say "Buyer Beware." Here are the Yams that I baked yesterday they were not that flavorful, very bland.  I bet wherever they are naturally eaten they are mixed with other things or have spi

November 17, Tried and tested.

OK, first I'll admit that I only completely tried the first item, the beet juice.  Honestly after trying the drink and the results I'm a bit cautious in my eating endeavors.  Yes, I'll tell you what happened!!! I drank half this 16oz cup ( I chose this flavor because I figured it was the healthiest choice) I shared the other half of the cup with Charlie, good thing.   After we got back home I went to the bathroom to pee YUP! gosh!! what a horrible shock!! I had even joked with the little lady that sold it to me about it showing up later.  How soon we forget.  I questioned Charlie about it and he confirmed the results, which made me feel so much better, even I don't like to be surprised by inappropriate colors in wrong places.  So, right now I'm baking the second thing in the photos, yes the thing that looks like hairy bull testicles, they are some kind of Yam.  I asked how to cook them and thought, tis the season!  The last item is sugar cane.  I was all exci

November 16, Traveling light.

Boo Hoo! My friend Patti is leaving me today to go to Atlanta Ga. to visit family.  I'll miss her but I know she will have a blast with family, that's what life is all about anyway.  Below is the reason she is a friend that clicks with me. This pile of clothes represents her 5 week supply while in Georgia! We are both minimalists, I think the only things she buys are gifts for other people and food. I aspire to such heights.  Back at the flea market. Look at the books! Naw I didn't get any, I'm behind on my stash for now but it good to know they are out there when I need them.  I was on an food exploring spree this week but I'll write about that tomorrow.   I wish it were easier for you to comment on this blog, I'll keep working on it so give it a try once in awhile.   Back to the reading I go.  Alicenoneland

November 15, Things look different at night.

Charlie had Yoga last night so after he left and I had dinner on its way with a load of laundry in the washer I decided to walk down to a friends.  Her husband was with Charlie. They live a couple streets away from us and I had told her I'd stop by when they had gone.   I haven't had a chance to take a walk outside after dark since I have gotten her so it was a treat. The sky was a very dark peachy color getting  darker by the moment. The air was very fresh with the chillness of evening and very windy which made it spooky in a fun way.  I wasn't afraid because this is our fifth year here and I've never heard of anything bad happening to people walking at night. What a treat it was to be out and about in the fresh windy air.  I did find it interesting how different common things look after dark.  Flower in this picture is blurry because it was being tossed by the wind.   These aren't the neatest pics but, next time you are outside after dark

November 14, And it begins.

Wow! Wayyyy before thanksgiving and already the countdown.  I could not believe it but was ready for it anyway.  The fear mongering of "you better buy a LOT of great gifts to show your Love." So much rubbish!  When I was little and fell running or off my bike and skinned my knee, all I wanted was my mom to kiss my boo boo and give me a generous hug, now that's the kind of LOVE I like.  If she had come and tossed me a gift then walked back  in the house, that would not have said, "I love you. "   Don't get me wrong I Love getting gifts but I don't want the giver to over spend or have a nervous breakdown trying to give me the, "perfect" gift.  Any gift is perfect when someone takes the time to even think of me. Especially in today's culture of "its all about Me."   So when you watch TV this holiday season, which apparently has already started, whisper a little prayer when the commercials come on that true kindne

November 13, Nice day for a cigar.

The way our home is arranged down here it is so inviting to just pick up a book and a cold drink and go outside and have a cigar. Charlie built a nice platform porch off the back of the garage last year and its so cozy and private.  I bring sparkle out into her travel yard so she can enjoy the outdoors with me. Although, sometimes after a bit she gets freaked out and will hide under that little stool I put in there for her. She still enjoys it. Her yard is much bigger than it shows in this picture. I cropped the pic to show sparkle more.  This is her 5th year traveling with us to Florida, I doubt she knows how special she is to have the privilege of "skipping winter."  I know I do.  It's one thing to sit down here an daydream about the beauty of the first snowfall and how sparkly the snow looks on a cold winter day. But its quite another thing to have to worry if the roads will be good enough to get to that very important appointment you need to be at. Not to

November 12, Drive in church.

Here I am at the drive in church, I really like this church not just the novelty of it but the order of service, songs and type of sermons that are given here. My friend Patti found it last year so we started going to the 10:00 am service on sundays. They even have a meet and greet before and after services with coffee and doughnuts! The minister is very nice and has thoughtful interesting sermons, and the church is only a few miles from my home.  Here we are in Patti’s car, no top! Full enjoyment for us. We like to dress for church even though we are outside. Two “old school” chicks that were brought up in the old Methodist tradition that you should look your best in Gods house (even if it’s the great outdoors.)  We also enjoy beeping the car horn in place of clapping when we hear something we like .  Here’s the front of the bulletin so if you ever get down this way you can go to a service, regardless of your beliefs you will have had an unique experience. 

November 11, Moving on.

First thing "This is NOT MY HOUSE in the photos. Yesterday my husband took me to pick up a cigar humidor he had found for me on Craig's list.  On the way to the pickup we spotted a sign for an Estate Sale.   If you have ever been to Florida for any length of time you will have seen these signs at public homes toward the weekends.  Sometimes by asking you find out where or why the person left other times you don't. This owner was a woman whom had decided to go live with her daughter, a few states away.  Charlie and I just had to go in and see what there was, this was our first on one in a couple years. (we put our names on the email list before we left with the liquidating company).  These sales are a great way to find quality objects to upgrade our current cheaper things.   In a way these sales are exciting in a naughty, sneaky way; (going into someones home poking in their personal items is normally taboo) but of course not really in these cases because they wa

November 10, Interesting things.

Down here I see some pretty interesting things. My friend Patti and I were going to a new Mexican food store that she had found and on the way we spotted this interesting vehicle, fully road ready.  The name on the for sale paper said Rat Plane, maybe it was just big enough for a rat, or two.  It sure looked fun to me. The thing had a propeller on the front that twirled when it moved along and as we drove by I could see a full single engine dashboard behind the steering wheel. I bet it holds more groceries than a motorcycle and you wouldn't get wet in the rain. I named this guy (to myself) "Hoarder on wheels." Gosh his day would be easier if he got a job!  I'd die if I had to push that whole thing all day.  He was thin as a rail and looked exhausted.  It was a thoughtful analogy for me saying, life can be hard but we often make it way more difficult ourselves. Or the old saying "What you own, owns you"  either way I TOTALLY got the message. 

November 9, First Flea Market day.

Ooh, back to the flea market. Every Wednesday there is a Big flea market in a town nearby, they sell all the traditional odds and ends and also have a wonderful section full of vegetable and fruit vendors. Gosh, I've never seen so much produce in one area other than there. I am a foodie at heart leaning toward trying all sorts of flavors of things that I've never tasted before. I tried a banana rice thing wrapped in some kind of plant leaf that looked like it had been steamed, it tasted wonderful kinda like banana oatmeal.  See that asparagus below it was two for one dollar! Yes, I got two and made roasted garlic and asparagus soup, yummy! See all the people, and it probably not as busy as usual because the fair was going on, which takes up our usual spot, we get pushed to the parking lot. But its only one day a week from morning to noon, I don't know how early morning of course I have never been there that early, a girl has to rest to tackle all that walking 🤣🤣

November 8, The seeds and slow progress.

Remember the seeds that I had found on the beach? Here they are so pretty, they are about 1 1/2" in size, they feel solid and are as smooth as glass.  These seeds are a little roughed up probably because of the storm but they are still really special.   Here is the progress of the November crochet stitch, its coming along fine, just slow because you have to change yarn colors every row, Yuck! But the color change really makes the stitch pop. Did you notice the coffee in the cup? Is a new concoction I'm trying, coffee atole a Mexican drink. Atole is a creamy hot drink made with corn flour boiled in water (in this case coffee) and milk, I used almond mild as I am trying to stay away from cheese, I also use artificial sweetener. I tasted good, I had to use french press coffee, I haven't bought instant yet, I'm sure it will make a nice difference, you also sweeten it to taste. My good friend up north makes it for me when I visit her (Inez) mine will never tas

November 7, Finding our home.

Check it out, she looks as good as ever. I love the color and style.  Many years ago when I was small, my grandparents on my fathers side had a mobile home in Florida, they had sent a picture to us in their Christmas card of of my grandpa standing in front of his home with a big tomato plant loaded with tomatoes!  It was a magical photo, imagine ripe warm tomatoes growing at Christmas! So when my husband and I saw this particular home I fell in love, It said Sunny Florida all over it, and fortunately the inside was remodeled and brought up to date very nicely, so Charlie loved that also.  And indeed indeed it has been magical ever since 💓

November 6

I finally got to spend an afternoon at the beach, It was perfect for just hanging out.  Its nice to be somewhere knowing you have no demands, not that my life is demanding but I do try to do my best saying and doing the right thing when the wrong thing would be easier (lazier).  Below is a picture of the upper beach all along the coast at Daytona Shores.  I'm guessing it is debris from the hurricane.  Aah, to me a gold mine, wish i had a pitchfork! I would love to dig in it and see what is hidden inside, all sorts of natural treasures I imagine.  I didn't have a pitchfork but found 4 large seeds, should have enclosed a pick of them, they are the best treasures to me.  The seeds are washed up onto shore after large storms, them come from the south America region, oooh so lovely!!! Being here at first is a process of mental orientation, it takes a few days to get your mind and body adjusted to the new placement of your life.  Today is Monday first day of our

We're Here !!!

Hello, we're finally here.  Feels so good to be back in "summer."  It's hard to describe but it really feels like July all over again. I'm planning my garden hoping for a productive one. Charlie is going to build a raised bed for me because it's crazy difficult to manage this soil, even with tons of compost it refuses to hold nutrients or water. Wish me luck! On our way down we Stopped at the Georgia welcome center and posed for a couple pics, it's so fun to pretend. lots of outside work on plants will be needed. The bottom pic is of the experiment I did with potted plants at the end of the season last year.  I put all the houseplant type plants on the north side of the house, placed them in dish sink pans with holes drilled into the sides about 2" up the sides and placed them under the open eves for water.  Florida gets tons of water and crazy heat and sun in the summer.  Low and Behold ! the plan worked.  I love my house pl

November stitch & on our way👍

Here’s the stitch for November, the Box Stitch. It looks fancier than it sounds, at lest I think so    I started it, at home because I needed to concentrate but was able to continue doing it in the car on the trip, not while it was my turn to drive of course!  I really like the look of it. I chose the colors from my acrylic stash so I just grabbed two colors that I thought would look good together and I think these are a nice combo.  As you can see I’m not driving but I did take a carsick pill a little before I started just in case, I sometimes do get motion sick.     But here I’m driving and the copilot is sleeping, I crochet during my off shift, I just can’t sleep in a car.  Zoom Zoom,  Alicenoneland 

Time to flee.

The writing is on the wall , can you see it behind me?  Yup! Winter is here. I’m blessed that fall lasted so long seeing we decided not to go south till November.  But, the time has come it’s more than nippy and snow could fall any moment, at least that’s my thought. 🤣 Charlie is the ultimate packer, he can scrunch so much in a tiny space, I stay right out of the way. It’s my job to make the “piles” such fun. Actually I work on keeping the piles small. It’s tough but I have to ask myself “do I really need this, can’t I get another secondhand down there?” It’s a tough decision sometimes but gets easier each year, this will be our fifth 😮 Here’s another reason it’s time to go. Where in heavens name do all these clouds keep coming from??   You can’t imagine it unless you’ve seen it but the sun shines down there like on the Fourth of July EVERY DAY! I know it’s crazy!!  Guess I’ll just keep fallowing the sun while I can.  I might now post for a few days while i