November 17, Tried and tested.

OK, first I'll admit that I only completely tried the first item, the beet juice.  Honestly after trying the drink and the results I'm a bit cautious in my eating endeavors.  Yes, I'll tell you what happened!!! I drank half this 16oz cup ( I chose this flavor because I figured it was the healthiest choice) I shared the other half of the cup with Charlie, good thing.   After we got back home I went to the bathroom to pee YUP! gosh!! what a horrible shock!! I had even joked with the little lady that sold it to me about it showing up later.  How soon we forget.  I questioned Charlie about it and he confirmed the results, which made me feel so much better, even I don't like to be surprised by inappropriate colors in wrong places. 
So, right now I'm baking the second thing in the photos, yes the thing that looks like hairy bull testicles, they are some kind of Yam.  I asked how to cook them and thought, tis the season! 
The last item is sugar cane.  I was all excited when I got it because another person talked about planting it.  You know how I am, getting all excited about growing stuff, clearly the urge is fading.  I'm only going to try to chew some of the stuff now to get an idea of the taste. After looking up the planting process I said No Way, its a very long process, easy, yes but time consuming still.  So I'll let you know later how the tasting goes, if you don't hear about it and still see more blog posts, you'll know I didn't die.

So remember, if you see something new to eat give it a try, but if it has a vibrant color expect to see it later!!!!



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