
Showing posts from March, 2018

Motorcycles everywhere.

Here's a photo journal of motorcycle week in Daytona Beach, my one day viewing of it.  My disclaimer, this was all photographed from the car, LOL, I'm not a big motorcycle bar rowdy type of gal.  Below is the famous or infamous Iron Horse bar in Ormond, very popular place a MUST SEE if you come for bike week.  All these next pics were taken in Daytona Beach, as you can see, it too is very popular.  Check out this style bike especially the front wheel, it's huge, this seemed to be very popular this year!  Tori may look board, but she had to be contained at some points in the tour, when the music got loud and the bikes got crazy. At one point I had to pull her back in the window by her ankle, not quiet that bad, but close! 😺😺

My current favorite.

See that droopy looking plant? Well that's the one, my current favorite. It actually deserves a medal for its toughness. Its one of the many plants I bought last year when I was in my "houseplant" phase, (these phases come and go) and had bought lots of them all different types of course. Shortly after I had my masses of plants all rigged up in the house, that means EVERYWHERE! And, I was in houseplant heaven, I became infested with fungus gnats, they are not as gross as it sounds. Fungus Gnats are just little fruit fly things that live in plant soil instead of banana skins. One of my little green babies must have had them when I brought them home, its like discovering one of your kids have head lice only after all your other children have gotten them too.  I've never had these gnat's before so it took me awhile to finally figure out what was going on. Meanwhile, Charlie had our house rigged up like the milking parlor at the local dairy barn, ugly, sticky, fly

Crispy but not crunchy.

For the life of me I don't know why I took this picture but it does show how bright and sunny it was the day Tori,I and Patti went to to beach. A perfect tanning day breezy and clear. Here I am completely covered almost, (my leg's were hanging out) but I had my back to the sun, I'm dreadfully afraid of getting tons of wrinkles.  I will not show you photos of Tori or Patti, they would not be happy me posting our private beachwear photos all over wherever, I will say they faced the sun and had traditional beachwear on, for Patti that included sunscreen. So you know where I'm going with this Tori decided that she only had one day of beach time and wanted to make the best of it and opted to forgo the sunscreen (something I'm sure I would have done in my earlier days also, EEK!) Here is the photo of Tori the next day, check close, yes, she got a good souvenir to take home. She is actually the color of her plate, bright red, quite crispy but not cru

New things in my life.

I am excited about all these "New Things."  The first thing is a Life Proof cover for my iphone. I am really happy because I've wanted a new cover for quite awhile but put off getting one because they cost $80 new. The other day I thought "I'll just look on Amazon and see how much they are." POW! $14+ $3 s&h. I was so excited but questioned why so cheep? Come to find out, now that my iphone 6 is so "old" by style standard, the cost has dropped way down, the newer versions are $80, what great luck!  Happy, Happy me. I finally finished they Hexi topper I was working on and just love it. I will pad it and quilt it onto a backing soon but just enjoy it for now. Below is a big deal for me. I'm not a person to change around furniture or replace furniture until someone has a tragic accident, as in falling through or disappearing in the cushions type of thing. But here I am, chucking out the couch and replacing it with a wo

I bet you can tell where I am.

Yup! You guessed it the cat place, where you can drink your drinks, munch your snacks and pet cats the whole time, or if your like me you sit and watch the cats the whole time.  Tori was of course in her glory, petting a smooching cats everywhere.  Each of the cats have a pink or blue ribbon on them identifying them as male or female and with their name so you can look them up on a paper, that is on a table in the room, so you can tell how old they are.  I did find it very interesting watching the different cats interact with each other and us. They have little treats you can buy to entice them to come to you to be petted.  Tori was like this practically the whole time, this is her "happy place," amongst cats. Goodness she can go on and on about the virtues of each cat and she only met them once. This cat below is my kind of cat, wonderful to be seen but not touched. White, I like a white cat with a touch of black. They have "cat walks," u

Hobby Lobby challange and lunch.

This may seem a little ridiculous but if you google Hobby Lobby Challenge, you will find some really pretty examples of my poor attempt at it.  I must admit it was rather fun or should I say exciting, due to the fact that I felt rather sneaky.  I really felt VERY afraid that some sales clerk would come along and scold me for doing it, the idea just seems wrong somehow.  Here I was completely out in the open squishing up close to the flower wall and taking a selfie?  Who does that stuff? Teenage girls! and in their own private bathroom, with the door shut probably LOCKED. Goodness, I've never felt so guilty, at least not since I was a teenager.   Well there you have it, my attempt at the Hobby Lobby Challenge. Maybe I have inspired you to try you hand at it and get a little thrill sneaking around in the fake flower department.  After all that sneaking around I decided to treat myself to a Honey Baked Ham lunch sandwich, and I must say they are really

Not Snappers!

Can you see him hiding in there? What a lucky day we had in New Symerna awhile ago. We went for a walk to the beach with some friends they are renting a place over there and on the way they showed us a place on the side of the road where a colony of turtles are living. You can see it is a dry sandy area, these are land turtles of some kind, "not snapping turtles."  We followed one back to his hole and if you look close you can see another one waiting for him in there. They are a pretty good size with very distinct shell marking, pretty in a simple kind of way. Here is Charlie peeking inside another hole. The holes seem kind of deep, I suppose it helps to keep them cool when it gets hot outside. For being such a populated area (with people) there sure are alot of wildlife around here.  Its allways interesting to go outside no matter where you are, as you can never tell what you will find. I especially enjoy it when I see things an

Tiny friends

Just sharing a couple pics of the little friends I share outdoor space with down here.  I truly enjoy watching these small creatures skitter around outdoors and sometimes inside our sun room. I figure for each lizard there are dozens of insects I don't have to deal with. Maybe I should bring a few of them into the house and introduce them to our unwanted ant population, if it were that easy I really would.  At first you think all these lizards are the same type but they are not. I think there are at least three different types that we have here around our home. One is the common little green guys, another is a darker, little bigger one and the other type is the color changing chameleon, rare here but I have seen them.  None the less it is fun to sneak around and try the catch a photo of them resting in the sunshine. I would love to get a photo of them eating something or doing SOMETHING other than running away or sunbathing, I probably need to be more sne

Fried Green Tomatoes.

Today was the day! I figured seeing I don't really like plum tomatoes I might as well harvest a few green tomatoes. YUM!  It's been pretty hot here everyday with no rain for at least three weeks. I HAVE to water every morning, two water jugs of water, if I don't I have a weepy droopy plant, it's happened so I know.  Here's my harvest with plenty more on the plant. So I have more greenies to look forward to.  I love this cutting up part, they smell so good and are really fresh! I decided to take the lazy way out and cooked them in my air fryer. I'm so addicted to it, you can cook most anything that is usually fried without all that oil and SMELL. (I have to admit, its not the same but for most things its a fine option)  BUT! you know what they say "cheaters never win..."  They were good but not excellent. I should have just bit the bullet and got the fry pan and oil out.  Patti saved the day and brou