My current favorite.

See that droopy looking plant? Well that's the one, my current favorite. It actually deserves a medal for its toughness. Its one of the many plants I bought last year when I was in my "houseplant" phase, (these phases come and go) and had bought lots of them all different types of course. Shortly after I had my masses of plants all rigged up in the house, that means EVERYWHERE! And, I was in houseplant heaven, I became infested with fungus gnats, they are not as gross as it sounds. Fungus Gnats are just little fruit fly things that live in plant soil instead of banana skins. One of my little green babies must have had them when I brought them home, its like discovering one of your kids have head lice only after all your other children have gotten them too.  I've never had these gnat's before so it took me awhile to finally figure out what was going on. Meanwhile, Charlie had our house rigged up like the milking parlor at the local dairy barn, ugly, sticky, fly strips hanging everywhere. So disgusting. 
In the end everyone had to be moved outdoors, I was drenched in sadness at the outing of my little green children. But, a person can only accidentally eat so many gnats while trying to speak, (the little devils would fly right in your open mouth at the littlest chance.)

This plant has lots of names, but the one I like is "Rick Rack" plant, of course a sewing name would appeal to me. Isn't it a treasure? I brought it onto our sun porch during the freeze in January. Most of the others had died outdoors, were in ratty shape or were suspect to carrying gnats, so could not come in. But, this treasure did so well over the summer I just could not part with it. I'm pleased to report that it has not shown any signs of gnats so I may bring it home this year. Its a terrible risk leaving them here all summer alone. 

Well, here's hoping it lives through the trip north and all the upcoming changes. I hope to plant tomato seedling in a couple weeks so it will not be totally alone in the plant world on the trip north.


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