
Showing posts from November, 2022

A Birthday party 🥳

  Tuesday night we celebrated the birthday of a close friend. We went out to eat at a local well-known restaurant in new Smyrna call The Garlic. I have wanted to go there for years, so it made the celebration extra special for me. What a wonderful surprise, it really is an interesting restaurant. I haven’t seen a restaurant as decked out as this one in years. They have so many wonderful things to look at and the food was incredible.  The dishes that they served the food in really made the meal amazing. Everyone had a lot of fun and went away full and happy. It’s definitely a place to go for a very special occasion. I would definitely look forward to doing it again. 

Florida is WET.

 Coming back to Florida was an experience after hurricane Ian. We thought we had seen enough water in our backyard but it turned out other things were planned for us, three days after getting back we had hurricane Nicole. Charlie had to dig a big ditch from the backyard to the front running out into the street. We actually had running water for a week into the street. It was so much overflow from retention ponds surrounding us, but now we’re getting back to normal and it’s drying up.  I am in sourdough bread production mode having so much fun, baking sourdough bread from my Vivian starter. She really does good down here. I don’t know what the difference is, but I get such a good rise and she grows really well.  I can put her to sleep in the refrigerator for two or three days wake her up and poof I have bread.  I finished washing the he two fleeces up north that were given to me by a friend and brought down two pillowcases full. Now I am in the process of working through it slowly combi