
Showing posts from October, 2017

October crochet pattern!

I worked and worked on it, and finally it finished. It’s not a large project just enough to learn a new stitch on. I sure need work on my crochet tenique. Crocheting is not my favorite but I do like the snappy colors that you can use to make an interesting print. This stitch was fun it’s called the  “puff spike”  I liked it but thought it looked more like cactuses which appealed to me.  Crocheting uses a lot more yarn than knitting, that’s fine for store bought but not my hand spun! Gads! I’d faint.  You can see how I crocheted the ends to be round I had to think it up on my own, but it didn’t turn out to badly.  The opposite end I left open half way so I could stuff the pillow into and remove to wash when needed. All in all it was a fun project.  I think my next stitch will be the box stitch and I’ll make a handbag Ha Ha let’s wait and see.  Toodles for now,  Alicenoneland 


 Yesterday was pie day. I haven’t made pumpkin pie in a really loooong time. I looked up several recepies and finally decided I better stick to the traditional Libby’s recipe because we were taking it to dinner to eat Thoth others. I have a tendency to want to experiment with recipes and it’s not always a good thing. I usually like it but it could be to “far out “ for others. It came out really well and everyone did like it, so it was a success.  Baking is so much fun for me. I’ve expanded into cooking dinners as an outlet also due to the fact that now that I’m older I can’t eat the baked goods like I would like to. But just being in the kitchen is pure joy, the smells, planning the timing, and anticipating the final product.  I can’t wait to start using the new computer, I had planned two more pictures but it limited me! So frustrating.  Yum Yum for now,  Alicenoneland 

The deed is done.

The two ends of technology. Firstly I went to my clan mothers meeting last Wednesday which was hosted by a member in Vermont.  The host chose to teach the group how to make a dream catcher. I’ve always been curious about how the string was woven to look like it dose, so this was a very satisfying.  It was also nice to get together with the other ladies whom I don’t see but only once a month. It’s always fun to do a craft with friends.  Happily we ordered the chrome book yesterday and arranged to have it delivered to a neighbors house in Florida. I was checking on my list on amazon and noticed the price had gone up $30 in four days!!!  Christmas is coming and I suppose this could drive those type of items up in price due to demand. I know that used to happen when I was  buying Filofax planners. It’s amazing how seasonal purchasing influences the market, so needless to say I could not wait any longer to order. I can’t wait to use it.  Tap Tap..... Bye for now,  Al

Planning ahead.

 Please excuse the font size. I’m going to get a proper laptop next week to write these posts due to the fact it is nearly impossible to easily write using a phone or pad due to the communication between the device and the blogger program, UGH.  I’ve washed and spun enough wool this summer that I’m pretty sure I don’t need to bring my wheel to Florida it’s just to risky it would get damaged. I can’t even think about loosing it after so many years without one. I’ll take my Navajo spindle just in case, but I’m sure I won’t need it. Gosh I’m tons ahead on the wool production, I’ll have to hook and hook to use it up. Next spring I’ll come home and spin some more.   In the photo below I’m using the Navajo spindle to spin the dog fur project I worked on this summer. The spindle gives me a lot of control on a difficult fiber making sure I can do a secure spin for a durable yarn, and the fiber did turn out well and easy to knit! A successful experiment.  Off I go,  T

Only Pictures.


Fiber Fun.

What a beautiful day. The colors are still amazing, I’m astounded at the redness of this bush it looks so good against the blue sky and clouds. I clicked this on my way to spinning, I even pulled over and stopped the car it was so pretty.  Today was spinning day but I chose to crochet and watch my friends spin. We had a new lady and she was learning to use her wheel, which can be frustrating process, so being with others to give suggestions is very helpful.  Later in the day I went to a grandmothers meeting for the clan mothers group I belong to.  The leader this month taught us to weave a dream catcher! I was fascinated how all the threads come together. I love to learn new things, so today was a success.  Ta Ta my friends, Alicenoneland 

Wet Wet Day

Aren't these the cutest darn things you've ever seen? Who can resist  a chubby hamster? Happily for my husband these sweeties were at the pet shop not my house, although I would love to see their funny little faces every day. Probably the hamsters were so cute because my daughter and I had just come from the yoghurt shop an were high on yummy frozen yoghurt, and cheerful chatting.  I had a mix of different sorbets instead of the yoghurt I love tart flavors better.   Just before I left to meet my daughter for the yoghurt it had rained terribly, as you can see the leaves had plugged that street drain and all the water had pooled up.  Farther up the road in a dip I felt like I had to cross the Mississippi river! I don't like crossing deep water in the road because of all the warnings they give you on the news, but I could see the road under all the water and went very slowly.  It was still really pretty in an after rain, fall day, kind of way. 

Trying a New Approach

OOH...look what a dear friend of mine gave me today, Mexican cookies!  What a treat for me. I went for a lovely walk today with another friend, (today was a day for friends) she lives in a quiet neighborhood so it was a pleasant walk and easy to take pictures without being run over, which i always fear when there are no sidewalks.  I can't believe the change in colors these past few days POP they changed overnight to absolutely spectacular!!!  Dose this remind you of the painting Scream? I had to take a Photo, wouldn't you? Here are a few more pretty tree pictures, couldn't help it, snap, snap, photos are good for the heart. I will leave you dreaming of past fall colors and fall colors to come. Bye, Alicenoneland


I love the trailing days of fall, the light is different and the air feels just right. It always amazes me how the sun casts such a different kind of lighting onto the trees and other green thing this time of year almost like a spotlight but not harsh or hot.  I had a wonderful crop of raspberries just enough for a couple handfuls each day they were fun to watch progressing over the summer. At one point I had a scare. Some of the raspberry bushes got some kind of grub egg in them, I forget the name now but it lays an egg somehow that causes the top 3 inches or so to wilt. I googled it and got directions on how the save the plant and I think  I caught it in time. PHEW  I The garden as a whole is wonderful, a wild but productive place.  We have this one pretty maple tree in our backyard but unfortunately it may go next year we need the space to plant some fruit trees. I hate to cut trees but they grow like mad here.  I’ll leave you with my b

Colors of fall.

Some of the prettiest colors are in the fall. Fall colors linger and last unlike the beautiful colors of flowers during the Summer that tend to bloom for a day and wilt. Fall is sturdy and firm holding on till it HAS to be blown away.  Check out this interesting composition my sweetie put together, he has a thing for beach wood and stones or I should say rocks. But fall is a time they really stand out in the landscape. He picked up these pieces during a stay in Maine, lovely souvenirs and good memories.  Here’s my favorite color - pumpkin orange!! This was carved last Wednesday with our grandson, it is a fun activity for an almost 4yr old.  This photo dose not do these colors justice but you can picture a wonderful sunrise on a fall morning with the fog really heavy all around.  I used to live on a hill and after the bus picked us up in the morning we came to an intersection that overlooks a section of the Hudson valley, I would imagine that all

Keep trying.

I’m sooo excited!!!  Days and days later I think I have found a way to add pictures to my blog easily. Tomorrow will be the day I will know for sure. I finally read somewhere to enter through a different browser so I did and POOF there were my photos 🎉 I cant be more happy and I was very close to giving up.  My mom and I relaxing watching flea market flip at her place. She treats me to interesting cable shows. I don’t have fancy cable just basic so crafty and cooking shows are a real treat. The best part is she knows about all the people in them so I get all the background stories also.    Today I was treated to lunch by my mother, it was fantastic. I had a Thanksgiving Day sandwich Yummy. A friend of mine introduced me to this sandwich over the summer I had never had it before what a tasty treat.  Not sure about where you are but around here we’ve been invaded by Box Elder bugs Eew! This time of year they come from somewhere and try to get inside our homes lik

Figuring it out.

For today this post is just words.  I would prefer pictures but I just can’t find a dependable way to transfer my photos into this blog. I’ll keep working on it like a very hard crossword puzzle. Thankfully there are resources like YouTube and google to ask and get direction from.  Believe me posting a blog from a mobile platform is hair pulling to say the least.  On a more cheerful note. Here we are the middle of October and it still feels like September. Gosh, how luck can we get? Each day I think, “today it will be really cold!” And then it’s not!  How lovely this extended fall has been. We are just starting to get color in the trees here around the lake while other areas have lost most of their leaves, just reinforces the science of microclimate.  I’m super busy these days catching up with last minute details and daily life thrown in, but happy in a very satisfying way.  I wonder what today will be like?  Ta Ta for now,  Alicenoneland 

Doing things.

Ha Ha!! I changed a witch into a table.  I saw something like this on Pinterest (of course) and my mind got spinning. The whole project only cost me 4$ !   I love my miniature room boxes, but I think two is enough. I need to perfect my setting now, lighting accessories and such.  I’m still hooking the mug rugs and really enjoying it. It’s nice to work with wool that I have spun and knowing that it has gone for a useful purpose. I do love spinning but when you don’t have any way to use it it kind of feels pointless.   I have rocks painted and more to paint, I better get passing them out befor I go to Florida, or I’ll have another pointless activity on my hands  UGH!  Guess I better go pass out rocks 👍 Bye,  Alicenoneland 

Crafts for Cool Weather.

Seems like as the days get shorter and the weather gets cooler I get craving my crafts more. I found an awesome way to have a room box using photo boxes that just happen to be on sale this week at hobby lobby. Yeah, for me. There is just something about playing with all that tiny furniture and accessories to make you feel in control of your universe. I also got a craving to learn some new crochet patterns and picked up the hook again. I haven’t crocheted in about two years so it took me a couple of unravles to remember the difference between double, single and triple stitches, oh my!  I thought I’d make just a pillow cover size project, that way I could learn the stitch and have a useful item when I was done. And, yes I do have my pjs on in that pic, I’m sure it was at least 5:30 , snicker snicker. The last project is felt embroidery I’m starting simple, trying to perfect my stitches.  Actually I don’t even mind if it’s all wonky it just feels good the way the needle and thr

Recapping the summer.


The beginning is always the hardest.

  Hello it sure has been a long time since I’ve blogged  anything, so I’ll start with a recap of our summer for today.   When we first got back to New York we arrived at the beginning of May, it was still chilly and the gardens were closed but the daffodils were blooming and beautiful.  Charlie started work on his projects  as soon as the weather warmed up,   he put racks on his trailer and started planning work for firming up the exterior of his garage.  I started work weeding the garden, raised beds and planning what I wanted to plant for vegetables this year. I must admit  I don’t really put the time into gardening that I used to, I’m finding more fun doing my fiber crafts inside the house  but it sure is nice to get outside once in a while and enjoy all the greenness.   So, that’s it for today. I’m still working on how to import pictures so it’s an ongoing process wish me luck.  Toodles,  Aliceinoneland