October crochet pattern!

I worked and worked on it, and finally it finished. It’s not a large project just enough to learn a new stitch on. I sure need work on my crochet tenique. Crocheting is not my favorite but I do like the snappy colors that you can use to make an interesting print. This stitch was fun it’s called the  “puff spike”  I liked it but thought it looked more like cactuses which appealed to me.  Crocheting uses a lot more yarn than knitting, that’s fine for store bought but not my hand spun! Gads! I’d faint. 

You can see how I crocheted the ends to be round I had to think it up on my own, but it didn’t turn out to badly. 

The opposite end I left open half way so I could stuff the pillow into and remove to wash when needed. All in all it was a fun project.  I think my next stitch will be the box stitch and I’ll make a handbag Ha Ha let’s wait and see. 
Toodles for now, 


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