Keep trying.

I’m sooo excited!!!  Days and days later I think I have found a way to add pictures to my blog easily. Tomorrow will be the day I will know for sure. I finally read somewhere to enter through a different browser so I did and POOF there were my photos 🎉 I cant be more happy and I was very close to giving up. 

My mom and I relaxing watching flea market flip at her place. She treats me to interesting cable shows. I don’t have fancy cable just basic so crafty and cooking shows are a real treat. The best part is she knows about all the people in them so I get all the background stories also. 

Today I was treated to lunch by my mother, it was fantastic. I had a Thanksgiving Day sandwich Yummy. A friend of mine introduced me to this sandwich over the summer I had never had it before what a tasty treat. 

Not sure about where you are but around here we’ve been invaded by Box Elder bugs Eew! This time of year they come from somewhere and try to get inside our homes like a flock of teenagers going to a pop concert , frantic and everywhere!!! 

Well I have my fingers crossed that I can add pictures tomorrow (let’s hope)
Ta Ta


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Ta Ta for now.