The deed is done.

The two ends of technology. Firstly I went to my clan mothers meeting last Wednesday which was hosted by a member in Vermont.  The host chose to teach the group how to make a dream catcher. I’ve always been curious about how the string was woven to look like it dose, so this was a very satisfying.  It was also nice to get together with the other ladies whom I don’t see but only once a month. It’s always fun to do a craft with friends. 

Happily we ordered the chrome book yesterday and arranged to have it delivered to a neighbors house in Florida. I was checking on my list on amazon and noticed the price had gone up $30 in four days!!!  Christmas is coming and I suppose this could drive those type of items up in price due to demand. I know that used to happen when I was  buying Filofax planners. It’s amazing how seasonal purchasing influences the market, so needless to say I could not wait any longer to order. I can’t wait to use it. 

Tap Tap.....
Bye for now, 


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