
I love the trailing days of fall, the light is different and the air feels just right. It always amazes me how the sun casts such a different kind of lighting onto the trees and other green thing this time of year almost like a spotlight but not harsh or hot. 

I had a wonderful crop of raspberries just enough for a couple handfuls each day they were fun to watch progressing over the summer. At one point I had a scare. Some of the raspberry bushes got some kind of grub egg in them, I forget the name now but it lays an egg somehow that causes the top 3 inches or so to wilt. I googled it and got directions on how the save the plant and I think  I caught it in time. PHEW 


The garden as a whole is wonderful, a wild but productive place. 

We have this one pretty maple tree in our backyard but unfortunately it may go next year we need the space to plant some fruit trees. I hate to cut trees but they grow like mad here. 

I’ll leave you with my breakfast experiment, almond milk, Raisin Bran and half a banana blended in the blender! It was pretty good but I think I would have enjoyed chewing my cereal more. 
Ta Ta for now. 


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Ta Ta for now.