November 6

I finally got to spend an afternoon at the beach, It was perfect for just hanging out.  Its nice to be somewhere knowing you have no demands, not that my life is demanding but I do try to do my best saying and doing the right thing when the wrong thing would be easier (lazier). 

Below is a picture of the upper beach all along the coast at Daytona Shores.  I'm guessing it is debris from the hurricane.  Aah, to me a gold mine, wish i had a pitchfork! I would love to dig in it and see what is hidden inside, all sorts of natural treasures I imagine.  I didn't have a pitchfork but found 4 large seeds, should have enclosed a pick of them, they are the best treasures to me.  The seeds are washed up onto shore after large storms, them come from the south America region, oooh so lovely!!!

Being here at first is a process of mental orientation, it takes a few days to get your mind and body adjusted to the new placement of your life.  Today is Monday first day of our new life schedule, the relearning process begins, wish me luck!



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