Projects Abound

Lots of projects going on here but not many finished.  I did finish my crochet challenge for the month of November. I had to haul out my trusty sewing machine that was given to me as a Christmas gift by my daughter, (bless her soul) after my old one had pooped out on me.  When I got the machine out I realized that the needle was broken and I did not have any extra needles in the house so on the list that went.... a few days pass and Ta Da.. I come across a package of needles in a thrift store made just for my machine (Singer) that only cost $1.25 a $10.00 savings at least.  See what I get myself into when I attempt a project.

Above is the finished November project, another pillow, except this one was made into a pillow cover. I had to add fabric to the outside edges because when I first set up the number of stitches I did not make it wide enough, Oh well, seemed to turn out OK anyway. 

Above is how more projects get generated! At the same thrift store that I was able to get the sewing machine needles at, they had a sale on yarn. At first I was not going to get their yarn because it was way more than I like to spend on second hand stuff but the friend I was with (bless her soul) pointed out that they were having a 50% off sale - it said so on the bin! I'm not observant at all.  So as you can see I scarfed up as much as I thought I had purpose for.  When we got to the checkout the cashier did not want to give us the discount but finally agreed, that if the sign was up the deal was good, otherwise I would have said Keep It!  I'm to cheep and there are to many thrift stores near me to pay to much anywhere for anything!!  
So now I have enough yarn to keep me busy for awhile, maybe.

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving or weekend depending on where you live on this beautiful planet.



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Ta Ta for now.