Let there be Light.

Charlie is the bomb! Here is the old light that we have had since we bought the house four years ago. You operated the light with a dimmer switch by the side door.  It was a fine light but did not really give off much light and in the evening when you were doing projects you felt like you were in a dark spy basement up to no good.  

He removed the old chandelier style, and moved the actual power source in the ceiling over so the new light would be more centered.  

Below you can see the new light. It is a LED low profile model, SO much brighter than the former light and less noticeable. I'm all about minimal design and this really fills the bill. I'm so pleased at how bright this light is and it has the same dimmer connected to it, so if you would like less light you can adjust it. 

Ta Da !!!  Let the light shine in !🌞



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