My Easter.

♩♩♫ Here comes Peter Cotton Tale....  My favorite song of spring. 
Here he is at his annual job, handsun guy, isn't he?

Here I am, "Back in the day" with Victoire. She was such a sweetie when it came to holidays. She was a stickler for keeping traditions going, and as far as I know, she is STILL keeping them alive. 

Can't have Easter without going to church! As a child I remember going to my Moms work, (she worked at the local geriatric facility) after church and sharing a little of our candy with the residents. I'm sure they loved it, seeing all the little kids dressed up in our Easter best.  I didn't mind going, it was the sharing that caused the anxiety, since that much chocolate only came once a year. Whats a kid to do?---- Yah, you guessed it, get the sermon from your Mom, about being a lucky kid that GOT lots of chocolate! She knew how to humble a kid, LOL.

Here's Charlie with the Easter bunny, a big kid at heart ❤

To top off our day, we had a big pot luck mainly cooked by my friend Patti and eaten at her brothers campsite. She loves to cook and feed everyone and lucky for all of us, she is a wonderful cook. We had ham and sweet potatoes, coleslaw, rolls, baked beans and MANY terrific deserts! 

Here we all are. It's nice to get together with friends on a holiday when you are a long way from home. 

So I hope everyone had a lovely day a enjoyed the festivities. To me even when I'm with family I like to spend time thinking back to years gone by, and all the special memories I have with past friends and family.  Easter is a holiday with happy memory's.


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