Sun and Fog!

Here's a strange sight. I was at church enjoying a beautiful day and delightful service, when I happen to hear sirens in back of me out by the main road. So I turned my head around to look, (don't know what I thought I would see, you can't see the main road from were I park) so this IS what I saw. 

A bank of fog. For some reason (we discovered this on a foggy mountain ride) when you look through an Iphone it cuts back on the amount of fog you see, letting you see more, so your not getting the full density of this wall of fog. But, in this picture you should be able to see many tall condos that line the edge of the ocean, you can't see even ONE in these pics! 

I've never seen fog like this. A beautiful sunny CLEAR day on one side and a thick bank of fog on the ocean side, It was kinda creepy, sorta scary in a weird way. I was simply amazed by this weather occurrence. 

Its just a rare freaky event of nature. I was impressed how even the bank stayed along the beach side not creeping inland much at all. 
Below you can just make out the bottom half of one of the condos, that's how thick it was. 

So if your driving in super thick fog and have a passenger to hold your Iphone, they can look ahead and make sure you are still on the road, (but don't try it if you are alone, it would be dangerous and probably ILLEGAL)


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