Things I eat.

Here's a few of the things I've eaten in the past week or so, in case you were interested. I am always interested in what people eat, so here goes. 
Below is the appetizer for taco Tuesday, the salsa will go on the tacos also, Yummy!!

My friend shared some of her amazing ham salad, so I had that one day for lunch with a sliced tomato on gluten free bread.

Oh, here we are eating the ham sandwiches. I brought salsa chips as my contribution. Gotta have something crispy with a lunch sandwich. Oh, can you see desert? Watermelon. 

Cooling on the porch in this pic is a pot-pie, with a gluten free crust. Charlie said he liked the crust. I am trying to incorporate more GF recipes into my cooking because Charlie is trying to be totally GF to reduce his eczema, and it seems to be working. 

Trust me I eat way more than what I showed you, I don't want you to be sending me directions to the nearest food pantry or something. I could actually stand a few LESS meals in the old tum tum!

I hope your meals are as yummy as mine or if not you could do the cookbook challenge, (its a real thing, google it ) where you pick a cookbook a month and choose two recipes from it and cook them. This actually sounds simple but the people that do it say finding time is difficult, maybe I'll give it a try and see how I do with it.


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