Ponce De Leon's fountain of youth

Wow! Check out all these Live Oak's. Such a pretty entrance to a magical place. Which is located at the same place as pancake restaurant I wrote about last week. 

I was pretty impressed with this view. I felt like I was visiting a hundred years ago, Isn't it pretty?

Here is my trusty assistant Patti testing out the constant 72 degree water for me. She had sandals an shorts on I had sneakers and slacks, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.  She said the water did not feel that cold once you got in.  I think she was just trying to get me to put my feet in, no doing, I do not like cold water!

Unlike these brave swimmers doing laps around the spring. I gathered from one person that people come here just to do their laps, ( it would take more than swimming a few laps in that cold water to make me feel younger, it would definitely have the opposite effect!)
 I couldn't read anywhere about how the spring was designed. From the looks of it they poured cement all around the edges and in toward the center a ways. The painted signs on the side of the walkway state it is from 3' - 30'.  They made stairs all the way around into the water. If you look close at the photo below in the center of the pool is flat still area that is where the spring boils up.  It sure is a beautiful and impressive pool.

This is the far side toward the restaurant which you can see in the background.  A very pretty view once again. The water flows into a rather large stream that is a tributary of the St Johns river.

This man was cast net fishing just beyond that little falls in the last shot. He seemed to have a system and was pulling up a fish or two each time he pulled up his net, it was fascinating to watch. 

And, of course that obligatory alligator sign, for us northerners that like to dilly dally close to the shores of these places unaware of potential hazards lurking in the reeds. 

Look how small our car looks under that tree! looks like a matchbox toy. Good grief these trees get big!

As my Great Great Aunt Milly would say, 
"And fun was had by all"



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