Out for a walk.

Here I am out for a walk. This pic was from a couple weeks ago during our cold snap. I'm always amazed by all the different things I see when I'm out and about. Even when the route is the same the surprises are different.

You can tell it had been cold out, you would NEVER see one of these speedy little fellows squished on the sidewalk. The cold must have slowed him down enough to be either stepped on or just plain chilled to death! EEK!!

This is one of my favorite sights on my walk, its a little retaing pond that I suspect has a spring in it; because, the water always appears clear not the typical cloudy brown color that typical artificial retaining ponds have. The interesting part of this pond is that it has fish tank fish in it. There are little guppies and other common easy to grow types.  I like to look and see If any pretty mutations have evolved. The fantails are my favorite, of course they are not super fancy like Betta's but they are uncommon to see in an outdoor pond.

Check out this sweet little British car. Of course I did not know it was British until the little lady got in an drove off sitting on the "wrong" side of the car. I don't know what kind it was but it was so tiny it appealed to me.

Look close at this stuff all lined up on the edge of the grass, I found it this was, I know, very strange! a dozen interesting stories went through my head in an instant. Such an interesting display, cigarette lighter, cigarettes of course, sun glasses and lastly Poo Pourre its a bathroom spray to cover "bad odors."
I can just imagine a 7th grade English teacher displaying this photo on the smart board an saying, "class I want you to write a story about who this belongs to and why it is there."  How exciting!

This is a common sight here, Spanish moss blowing around on the ground. One year I picked up masses of it and used it to mulch my vegetable garden, worked wonderfully.

You can tell when its Friday because you see these news papers in some folk's driveways. It took us two years to get on the delivery list, they must have wanted to make sure we were serious subscribers. It is a free paper that gives you all the news and advertising articles for our city.  

If I'm feeling like not walking I encourage myself to go by saying, "I wonder what I will see on my walk today?"

So keep you eyes peeled next time your out and about and surprise yourself by seeing something, "Interesting."



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