Old time hamburger joint

Back on the topic of food. Here is a cool experience. Steak and Shake, a franchised restaurant down here in the south that we do not have up north where I am from. 

Here is a typical meal, minus the Shake, only water for me. They feature the shoestring style of french fry, my personal fave. I go for the more ketchup per fry theory. I think I already flipped my sandwich over just before I took this picture, I don't like the bottom to get soggy from gravity, (just so you know.)

You can also sit up to the counter if you want that "old timey" feeling. 

Yum, it tastes as good as it looks. It's the bacon cheeseburger, how could it not be good?

You take your own check up, I like that, then you can leave when you want and not feel as though you are held hostige as the waitress gives you the bill leaves, decides to come back to get your money and then hopefully remembers to come back again with your change. So much waiting.  So, bringing your own check up is a Yahoo! for me.

So, if your ever in the south check it out. My meal was only $4.99, seriously!  Now THAT appeals to my rather squeaky side.



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