Polar Express night.

What fun. I haven't been to a pajama party since forever! What a great time. 
It was a movie night at our clubhouse in the community I live in. We watched Polar Express (and I guess you always watch it in pajamas). Can you believe I have never seen the movie before? Yup, its true I never have, so going to the movie night was so much fun for me not to mention it was the day before Christmas eve.  I bought a new pair of pajamas just for the event (great excuse for a new pair)

That's our leader up in the front, with her arms in the air hawking popcorn, shes a hoot!  These events are free except for the popcorn a measly fee of $1 cant break the bank with that.  Its always a "bring your own drink of choice", lots of fun. 

Below you can see our TV its a nice big size and the best part is the surround sound "very theater like".  
I really do like these movie nights mostly because, I just can't sit still and watch a movie at home; I sit there and think of all the other things that I could be doing.  
I love movie theaters but honestly who can afford them or find the time to get there. So to me this is perfect; cheep, close and trapped (into sitting down).

I cant wait for the next one except I won't need new pajamas, Rats!
Let the movies roll......



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